(function () { if ( typeof unsafeWindow === "undefined") { unsafeWindow = ( function () { var dummyElem = document.createElement('p'); dummyElem.setAttribute ('onclick', 'return window;'); return dummyElem.onclick (); } ) (); } function SB_setValue( cookieName, cookieValue, lifeTime ) { if( !cookieName ) { return; } if( lifeTime == "delete" ) { lifeTime = -10; } else { lifeTime = 31536000; } document.cookie = escape( cookieName ) + "=" + escape( getRecoverableString( cookieValue ) ) + ";expires=" + ( new Date( ( new Date() ).getTime() + ( 1000 * lifeTime ) ) ).toGMTString() + ";path=/"; } function SB_getValue( cookieName, oDefault ) { var cookieJar = document.cookie.split( "; " ); for( var x = 0; x < cookieJar.length; x++ ) { var oneCookie = cookieJar[x].split( "=" ); if( oneCookie[0] == escape( cookieName ) ) { try { eval('var footm = '+unescape( oneCookie[1] )); } catch(e) { return oDefault; } return footm; } } return oDefault; } function SB_xmlhttpRequest(details) { var xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest(); xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function() { var responseState = { responseXML:(xmlhttp.readyState==4 ? xmlhttp.responseXML : ''), responseText:(xmlhttp.readyState==4 ? xmlhttp.responseText : ''), readyState:xmlhttp.readyState, responseHeaders:(xmlhttp.readyState==4 ? xmlhttp.getAllResponseHeaders() : ''), status:(xmlhttp.readyState==4 ? xmlhttp.status : 0), statusText:(xmlhttp.readyState==4 ? xmlhttp.statusText : '') } if (details["onreadystatechange"]) { details["onreadystatechange"](responseState); } if (xmlhttp.readyState==4) { if (details["onload"] && xmlhttp.status>=200 && xmlhttp.status<300) { details["onload"](responseState); } if (details["onerror"] && (xmlhttp.status<200 || xmlhttp.status>=300)) { details["onerror"](responseState); } } } try { xmlhttp.open(details.method, details.url); } catch(e) { if( details["onerror"] ) { details["onerror"]({responseXML:'',responseText:'',readyState:4,responseHeaders:'',status:403,statusText:'Forbidden'}); } return; } if (details.headers) { for (var prop in details.headers) { xmlhttp.setRequestHeader(prop, details.headers[prop]); } } xmlhttp.send((typeof(details.data)!='undefined')?details.data:null); } function SB_getResourceText(name) { for (var k in HTM_script.resources) { var r = HTM_script.resources[k]; if (r.name == name) { return r.resText; } } return null; }; function SB_addStyle(css) { var NSURI = 'http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml'; var hashead = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0]; var parentel = hashead || document.documentElement; var newElement = document.createElementNS(NSURI,'link'); newElement.setAttributeNS(NSURI,'rel','stylesheet'); newElement.setAttributeNS(NSURI,'type','text/css'); newElement.setAttributeNS(NSURI,'href','data:text/css,'+encodeURIComponent(css)); if( hashead ) { parentel.appendChild(newElement); } else { parentel.insertBefore(newElement,parentel.firstChild); } } function SB_getResourceURL(name) { for (var k in HTM_script.resources) { var r = HTM_script.resources[k]; if (r.name == name) { return r.resURL; } } return null; }; function getRecoverableString(oVar,notFirst) { var oType = typeof(oVar); if( ( oType == 'null' ) || ( oType == 'object' && !oVar ) ) { return 'null'; } if( oType == 'undefined' ) { return 'window.uDfXZ0_d'; } if( oType == 'object' ) { if( oVar == window ) { return 'window'; } if( oVar == document ) { return 'document'; } if( oVar == document.body ) { return 'document.body'; } if( oVar == document.documentElement ) { return 'document.documentElement'; } } if( oVar.nodeType && ( oVar.childNodes || oVar.ownerElement ) ) { return '{error:\'DOM node\'}'; } if( !notFirst ) { Object.prototype.toRecoverableString = function (oBn) { if( this.tempLockIgnoreMe ) { return '{\'LoopBack\'}'; } this.tempLockIgnoreMe = true; var retVal = '{', sepChar = '', j; for( var i in this ) { if( i == 'toRecoverableString' || i == 'tempLockIgnoreMe' || i == 'prototype' || i == 'constructor' ) { continue; } if( oBn && ( i == 'index' || i == 'input' || i == 'length' || i == 'toRecoverableObString' ) ) { continue; } j = this[i]; if( !i.match(basicObPropNameValStr) ) { for( var x = 0; x < cleanStrFromAr.length; x++ ) { i = i.replace(cleanStrFromAr[x],cleanStrToAr[x]); } i = '\''+i+'\''; } else if( window.ActiveXObject && navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Mac') + 1 && !navigator.__ice_version && window.ScriptEngine && ScriptEngine() == 'JScript' && i.match(/^\d+$/) ) { i = '\''+i+'\''; } retVal += sepChar+i+':'+getRecoverableString(j,true); sepChar = ','; } retVal += '}'; this.tempLockIgnoreMe = false; return retVal; }; Array.prototype.toRecoverableObString = Object.prototype.toRecoverableString; Array.prototype.toRecoverableString = function () { if( this.tempLock ) { return '[\'LoopBack\']'; } if( !this.length ) { var oCountProp = 0; for( var i in this ) { if( i != 'toRecoverableString' && i != 'toRecoverableObString' && i != 'tempLockIgnoreMe' && i != 'prototype' && i != 'constructor' && i != 'index' && i != 'input' && i != 'length' ) { oCountProp++; } } if( oCountProp ) { return this.toRecoverableObString(true); } } this.tempLock = true; var retVal = '['; for( var i = 0; i < this.length; i++ ) { retVal += (i?',':'')+getRecoverableString(this[i],true); } retVal += ']'; delete this.tempLock; return retVal; }; Boolean.prototype.toRecoverableString = function () { return ''+this+''; }; Date.prototype.toRecoverableString = function () { return 'new Date('+this.getTime()+')'; }; Function.prototype.toRecoverableString = function () { return this.toString().replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g,'').replace(/^function\s*\w*\([^\)]*\)\s*\{\s*\[native\s+code\]\s*\}$/i,'function () {[\'native code\'];}'); }; Number.prototype.toRecoverableString = function () { if( isNaN(this) ) { return 'Number.NaN'; } if( this == Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY ) { return 'Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY'; } if( this == Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY ) { return 'Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY'; } return ''+this+''; }; RegExp.prototype.toRecoverableString = function () { return '\/'+this.source+'\/'+(this.global?'g':'')+(this.ignoreCase?'i':''); }; String.prototype.toRecoverableString = function () { var oTmp = escape(this); if( oTmp == this ) { return '\''+this+'\''; } return 'unescape(\''+oTmp+'\')'; }; } if( !oVar.toRecoverableString ) { return '{error:\'internal object\'}'; } var oTmp = oVar.toRecoverableString(); if( !notFirst ) { delete Object.prototype.toRecoverableString; delete Array.prototype.toRecoverableObString; delete Array.prototype.toRecoverableString; delete Boolean.prototype.toRecoverableString; delete Date.prototype.toRecoverableString; delete Function.prototype.toRecoverableString; delete Number.prototype.toRecoverableString; delete RegExp.prototype.toRecoverableString; delete String.prototype.toRecoverableString; } return oTmp; } var _ = typeof module !== 'undefined' ? module.exports : {}; (function () { 'use strict'; function setupStack () { if (Error.captureStackTrace) { Error.captureStackTrace(this, this.constructor); } else if (!this.hasOwnProperty('stack')) { var stack = (new Error()).stack.split('\n').slice(2); var e = stack[0].match(/^.*@(.*):(\d*)$/); this.fileName = e[1]; this.lineNumber = parseInt(e[2], 10); this.stack = stack.join('\n'); } } function SafeBrowseError (message) { setupStack.call(this); this.message = message; } SafeBrowseError.prototype = Object.create(Error.prototype); SafeBrowseError.prototype.constructor = SafeBrowseError; SafeBrowseError.prototype.name = 'SafeBrowseError'; SafeBrowseError.extend = function (protoProps, staticProps) { var parent = this, child = function () { setupStack.call(this); protoProps.constructor.apply(this, arguments); }; extend(child, parent, staticProps); child.prototype = Object.create(parent.prototype); extend(child.prototype, protoProps); child.prototype.constructor = child; child.super = parent.prototype; return child; }; SafeBrowseError.super = null; _.SafeBrowseError = SafeBrowseError; function any (c, fn) { if (c.some) { return c.some(fn); } if (typeof c.length === 'number') { return Array.prototype.some.call(c, fn); } return Object.keys(c).some(function (k) { return fn(c[k], k, c); }); } function all (c, fn) { if (c.every) { return c.every(fn); } if (typeof c.length === 'number') { return Array.prototype.every.call(c, fn); } return Object.keys(c).every(function (k) { return fn(c[k], k, c); }); } function each (c, fn) { if (c.forEach) { c.forEach(fn); } else if (typeof c.length === 'number') { Array.prototype.forEach.call(c, fn); } else { Object.keys(c).forEach(function (k) { fn(c[k], k, c); }); } } function map (c, fn) { if (c.map) { return c.map(fn); } if (typeof c.length === 'number') { return Array.prototype.map.call(c, fn); } return Object.keys(c).map(function (k) { return fn(c[k], k, c); }); } function extend(c) { Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1).forEach(function (source) { if (!source) { return; } _.C(source).each(function (v, k) { c[k] = v; }); }); return c; } function CollectionProxy (collection) { this._c = collection; } CollectionProxy.prototype.size = function () { if (typeof this._c.length === 'number') { return this._c.length; } return Object.keys(c).length; }; CollectionProxy.prototype.at = function (k) { return this._c[k]; }; CollectionProxy.prototype.each = function (fn) { each(this._c, fn); return this; }; CollectionProxy.prototype.find = function (fn) { var result; any(this._c, function (value, index, self) { var tmp = fn(value, index, self); if (tmp !== _.nop) { result = { key: index, value: value, payload: tmp, }; return true; } return false; }); return result; }; CollectionProxy.prototype.all = function (fn) { return all(this._c, fn); }; CollectionProxy.prototype.map = function (fn) { return map(this._c, fn); }; _.C = function (collection) { return new CollectionProxy(collection); }; _.T = function (s) { if (typeof s === 'string') { } else if (s instanceof String) { s = s.toString(); } else { throw new SafeBrowseError('el template debe ser un string'); } var T = { '{{': '{', '}}': '}', }; return function () { var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments); var kwargs = args[args.length-1]; return s.replace(/\{\{|\}\}|\{([^\}]+)\}/g, function (m, key) { if (T.hasOwnProperty(m)) { return T[m]; } if (args.hasOwnProperty(key)) { return args[key]; } if (kwargs.hasOwnProperty(key)) { return kwargs[key]; } return m; }); }; }; _.P = function (fn) { if (typeof fn !== 'function') { throw new _.SafeBrowseError('se espera una funcion'); } var slice = Array.prototype.slice; var args = slice.call(arguments, 1); return function () { return fn.apply(this, args.concat(slice.call(arguments))); }; }; _.nop = function () { }; function log (method, args) { args = Array.prototype.slice.call(args); if (typeof args[0] === 'string' || args[0] instanceof String) { args[0] = 'SafeBrowse: ' + args[0]; } else { args.unshift('SafeBrowse:'); } var f = console[method]; if (typeof f === 'function') { f.apply(console, $.inject(args)); } } _.info = function () { log('info', arguments); }; _.warn = function () { log('warn', arguments); }; })(); var $; (function () { 'use strict'; function bootstrap (context) { var _ = context._; var window = context.window; var unsafeWindow = context.unsafeWindow; var SB = context.SB; var document = window.document; var DomNotFoundError = _.SafeBrowseError.extend({ name: 'DomNotFoundError', constructor: function (selector) { DomNotFoundError.super.constructor.call(this, _.T('`{0}` not found')(selector)); }, }); var $ = function (selector, context) { if (!context || !context.querySelector) { context = document; } var n = context.querySelector(selector); if (!n) { throw new DomNotFoundError(selector); } return n; }; $.$ = function (selector, context) { try { return $(selector, context); } catch (e) { return null; } }; $.$$ = function (selector, context) { if (!context || !context.querySelectorAll) { context = document; } var ns = context.querySelectorAll(selector); return _.C(ns); }; function deepJoin (prefix, object) { return _.C(object).map(function (v, k) { var key = _.T('{0}[{1}]')(prefix, k); if (typeof v === 'object') { return deepJoin(key, v); } return _.T('{0}={1}').apply(this, [key, v].map(encodeURIComponent)); }).join('&'); } function toQuery (data) { if (typeof data === 'string') { return data; } if (data instanceof String) { return data.toString(); } return _.C(data).map(function (v, k) { if (typeof v === 'object') { return deepJoin(k, v); } return _.T('{0}={1}').apply(this, [k, v].map(encodeURIComponent)); }).join('&'); } function ajax (method, url, data, headers, callback) { var l = document.createElement('a'); l.href = url; var reqHost = l.hostname; headers.Host = reqHost || window.location.host; headers.Origin = window.location.origin; headers.Referer = window.location.href; headers['X-Requested-With'] = 'XMLHttpRequest'; var controller = SB.xmlhttpRequest({ method: method, url: url, data: data, headers: headers, onload: function (response) { var headers = { get: function (key) { return this[key.toLowerCase()]; }, }; response.responseHeaders.split(/[\r\n]+/g).filter(function (v) { return v.length !== 0; }).map(function (v) { return v.split(/:\s+/); }).forEach(function (v) { headers[v[0].toLowerCase()] = v[1]; }); callback(response.responseText, headers); }, }); return controller; } $.toDOM = function(rawHTML) { try { var parser = new DOMParser(); var DOMHTML = parser.parseFromString(rawHTML, "text/html"); return DOMHTML; } catch (e) { throw new _.SafeBrowseError('could not parse HTML to DOM'); } }; $.get = function (url, data, callback, headers) { data = toQuery(data); data = data!==''? '?' + data : ''; headers = headers || {}; return ajax('GET', url + data, '', headers, callback); }; $.post = function (url, data, callback, headers) { data = toQuery(data); var h = { 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8', 'Content-Length': data.length, }; if (headers) { _.C(headers).each(function (v, k) { h[k] = v; }); } return ajax('POST', url, data, h, callback); }; function go (path, params, method) { method = method || 'post'; var form = document.createElement('form'); form.method = method; form.action = path; _.C(params).each(function (value, key) { var input = document.createElement('input'); input.type = 'hidden'; input.name = key; input.value = value; form.appendChild(input); }); document.body.appendChild(form); form.submit(); } $.openLinkByPost = function (url, data) { go(url, data, 'post'); }; $.openLink = function (to) { if (!to) { _.warn('URL falsa'); return; } var from = window.location.toString(); _.info(_.T('{0} -> {1}')(from, to)); window.top.location.replace(to); }; $.openLinkWithReferer = function (to) { if (!to) { _.warn('false URL'); return; } var from = window.location.toString(); _.info(_.T('{0} -> {1}')(from, to)); var a = document.createElement('a'); a.href = to; a.style.display = 'none'; document.body.appendChild(a); try{ a.click(); }catch(e){ var evObj = document.createEvent('MouseEvents'); evObj.initMouseEvent('click', true, true, window); a.dispatchEvent(evObj); } }; $.openImage = function (imgSrc) { if (config.redirectImage) { $.openLink(imgSrc); } }; $.removeAllTimer = function () { var handle = window.setInterval(_.nop, 10); while (handle > 0) { window.clearInterval(handle--); } handle = window.setTimeout(_.nop, 10); while (handle > 0) { window.clearTimeout(handle--); } }; $.enableScrolling = function () { var o = document.compatMode === 'CSS1Compat' ? document.documentElement : document.body; o.style.overflow = ''; }; function toggleShrinking () { this.classList.toggle('safebrowse-shrinked'); } function checkScaling () { var nw = this.naturalWidth; var nh = this.naturalHeight; var cw = document.documentElement.clientWidth; var ch = document.documentElement.clientHeight; if ((nw > cw || nh > ch) && !this.classList.contains('safebrowse-resizable')) { this.classList.add('safebrowse-resizable'); this.classList.add('safebrowse-shrinked'); this.addEventListener('click', toggleShrinking); } else { this.removeEventListener('click', toggleShrinking); this.classList.remove('safebrowse-shrinked'); this.classList.remove('safebrowse-resizable'); } } function scaleImage (i) { //var style = SB.getResourceText('https://safebrowse.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/res/scale_image.css'); SB.addStyle('#safebrowse-image.safebrowse-resizable{cursor:-webkit-zoom-out;cursor:-moz-zoom-out;cursor:zoom-out} #safebrowse-image.safebrowse-resizable.safebrowse-shrinked{max-width:100%;max-height:100%;cursor:-webkit-zoom-in;cursor:-moz-zoom-in;cursor:zoom-in}'); if (i.naturalWidth && i.naturalHeight) { checkScaling.call(i); } else { i.addEventListener('load', checkScaling); } var h; window.addEventListener('resize', function () { window.clearTimeout(h); h = window.setTimeout(checkScaling.bind(i), 100); }); } function changeBackground () { //var bgImage = SB.getResourceURL('https://safebrowse.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/res/grid.png'); document.body.style.backgroundColor = '#222222'; document.body.style.backgroundImage = _.T('url(\'{0}\')')('https://safebrowse.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/res/grid.png'); } function alignCenter () { //var style = SB.getResourceText('https://safebrowse.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/res/align_center.css'); SB.addStyle('html{height:100%}body{height:100%;margin:0} #safebrowse-wrapper{width:100%;height:100%;position:relative} #safebrowse-image{position:absolute;margin:auto;top:0;bottom:0;left:0;right:0}'); } function injectStyle (d, i) { $.removeNodes('style, link[rel=stylesheet]'); d.id = 'safebrowse-wrapper'; i.id = 'safebrowse-image'; } $.replace = function (imgSrc) { if (!config.redirectImage) { return; } if (!imgSrc) { _.warn('URL falsa'); return; } _.info(_.T('reemplazando el body por `{0}` ...')(imgSrc)); $.removeAllTimer(); $.enableScrolling(); document.body = document.createElement('body'); var d = document.createElement('div'); document.body.appendChild(d); var i = document.createElement('img'); i.src = imgSrc; d.appendChild(i); if (config.alignCenter || config.scaleImage) { injectStyle(d, i); } if (config.alignCenter) { alignCenter(); } if (config.changeBackground) { changeBackground(); } if (config.scaleImage) { scaleImage(i); } }; $.removeNodes = function (selector, context) { $.$$(selector, context).each(function (e) { e.parentNode.removeChild(e); }); }; function searchScriptsByRegExp (pattern, context) { var m = $.$$('script', context).find(function (s) { var m = s.innerHTML.match(pattern); if (!m) { return _.nop; } return m; }); if (!m) { return null; } return m.payload; } function searchScriptsByString (pattern, context) { var m = $.$$('script', context).find(function (s) { var m = s.innerHTML.indexOf(pattern); if (m < 0) { return _.nop; } return m; }); if (!m) { return null; } return m.value.innerHTML; } $.searchScripts = function (pattern, context) { if (pattern instanceof RegExp) { return searchScriptsByRegExp(pattern, context); } else if (typeof pattern === 'string') { return searchScriptsByString(pattern, context); } else { return null; } }; $.setCookie = function (key, value) { var now = new Date(); now.setTime(now.getTime() + 3600 * 1000); var tpl = _.T('{0}={1};path=/;'); document.cookie = tpl(key, value, now.toUTCString()); }; $.getCookie = function (key) { var c = _.C(document.cookie.split(';')).find(function (v) { var k = v.replace(/^\s*(\w+)=.+$/, '$1'); if (k !== key) { return _.nop; } }); if (!c) { return null; } c = c.value.replace(/^\s*\w+=([^;]+).+$/, '$1'); if (!c) { return null; } return c; }; $.resetCookies = function () { var a = document.domain; var b = document.domain.replace(/^www\./, ''); var c = document.domain.replace(/^(\w+\.)+?(\w+\.\w+)$/, '$2'); var d = (new Date(1e3)).toUTCString(); _.C(document.cookie.split(';')).each(function (v) { var k = v.replace(/^\s*(\w+)=.+$/, '$1'); document.cookie = _.T('{0}=;expires={1};')(k, d); document.cookie = _.T('{0}=;path=/;expires={1};')(k, d); var e = _.T('{0}=;path=/;domain={1};expires={2};'); document.cookie = e(k, a, d); document.cookie = e(k, b, d); document.cookie = e(k, c, d); }); }; $.captcha = function (imgSrc, cb) { if (!config.externalServerSupport) { return; } var a = document.createElement('canvas'); var b = a.getContext('2d'); var c = new Image(); c.src = imgSrc; c.onload = function () { a.width = c.width; a.height = c.height; b.drawImage(c, 0, 0); var d = a.toDataURL(); var e = d.substr(d.indexOf(',') + 1); $.post('http://www.wcpan.info/cgi-bin/captcha.cgi', { i: e, }, cb); }; }; function injectClone (vaccine) { var injected; if (typeof cloneInto !== 'function') { injected = vaccine; } else { injected = cloneInto(vaccine, unsafeWindow, { cloneFunctions: true, wrapReflectors: true, }); } return injected; } function injectFunction (vaccine) { var injected; if (typeof exportFunction !== 'function') { injected = vaccine; } else { try { injected = exportFunction(vaccine, unsafeWindow, { allowCrossOriginArguments: true, }); } catch(e) { console.error(e); } } return injected; } function injectReference () { var injected; if (typeof createObjectIn !== 'function') { injected = {}; } else { injected = createObjectIn(unsafeWindow); } return injected; } $.inject = function (vaccine) { if (typeof vaccine === 'function') { return injectFunction(vaccine); } else if (typeof vaccine === 'undefined') { return injectReference(); } else { return injectClone(vaccine); } }; var patterns = []; $.register = function (pattern) { patterns.push(pattern); }; function load () { var tmp = { version: SB.getValue('version', 0), alignCenter: SB.getValue('align_center'), changeBackground: SB.getValue('change_background'), externalServerSupport: SB.getValue('external_server_support'), redirectImage: SB.getValue('redirect_image'), scaleImage: SB.getValue('scale_image'), }; fixup(tmp); save(tmp); return tmp; } function save (c) { SB.setValue('version', c.version); SB.setValue('align_center', c.alignCenter); SB.setValue('change_background', c.changeBackground); SB.setValue('external_server_support', c.externalServerSupport); SB.setValue('redirect_image', c.redirectImage); SB.setValue('scale_image', c.scaleImage); } function fixup (c) { var patches = [ function (c) { var ac = typeof c.alignCenter !== 'undefined'; if (typeof c.changeBackground === 'undefined') { c.changeBackground = ac ? c.alignCenter : true; } if (typeof c.scaleImage === 'undefined') { c.scaleImage = ac ? c.alignCenter : true; } if (!ac) { c.alignCenter = true; } if (typeof c.redirectImage === 'undefined') { c.redirectImage = true; } }, function (c) { if (typeof c.externalServerSupport === 'undefined') { c.externalServerSupport = false; } }, ]; while (c.version < patches.length) { patches[c.version](c); ++c.version; } } var config = null; $.register({ rule: { host: /^safebrowse\.co$/, path: /^\/configure\.html$/, }, ready: function () { unsafeWindow.commit = $.inject(function (data) { data.version = config.version; _.C(data).each(function (v, k) { config[k] = v; }); setTimeout(function () { save(data); }, 0); }); unsafeWindow.render($.inject({ version: config.version, options: { alignCenter: { type: 'checkbox', value: config.alignCenter, label: 'Align Center', help: 'Align image to the center if possible. (default: enabled)', }, changeBackground: { type: 'checkbox', value: config.changeBackground, label: 'Change Background', help: 'Use Firefox-like image background if possible. (default: enabled)', }, redirectImage: { type: 'checkbox', value: config.redirectImage, label: 'Redirect Image', help: [ 'Directly open image link if possible. (default: enabled)', 'If disabled, redirection will only works on link shortener sites.', ].join('
\n'), }, scaleImage: { type: 'checkbox', value: config.scaleImage, label: 'Scale Image', help: 'When image loaded, scale it to fit window if possible. (default: enabled)', }, externalServerSupport: { type: 'checkbox', value: config.externalServerSupport, label: 'External Server Support', help: [ 'Send URL information to external server to enhance features (e.g.: captcha resolving). (default: disabled)', 'Affected sites:', 'urlz.so (captcha)', ].join('
\n'), }, }, })); }, }); function dispatchByObject (rule, url_6) { var matched = {}; var passed = _.C(rule).all(function (pattern, part) { if (pattern instanceof RegExp) { matched[part] = url_6[part].match(pattern); } else if (pattern instanceof Array) { var r = _.C(pattern).find(function (p) { var m = url_6[part].match(p); return m || _.nop; }); matched[part] = r ? r.payload : null; } return !!matched[part]; }); return passed ? matched : null; } function dispatchByRegExp (rule, url_1) { return url_1.match(rule); } function dispatchByArray (byLocation, rules, url_1, url_3, url_6) { var tmp = _.C(rules).find(function (rule) { var m = dispatch(byLocation, rule, url_1, url_3, url_6); if (!m) { return _.nop; } return m; }); return tmp ? tmp.payload : null; } function dispatchByString (rule, url_3) { var scheme = /\*|https?|file|ftp|chrome-extension/; var host = /\*|(\*\.)?([^\/*]+)/; var path = /\/.*/; var up = new RegExp(_.T('^({scheme})://({host})?({path})$')({ scheme: scheme.source, host: host.source, path: path.source, })); var matched = rule.match(up); if (!matched) { return null; } scheme = matched[1]; host = matched[2]; var wc = matched[3]; var sd = matched[4]; path = matched[5]; if (scheme === '*' && !/https?/.test(url_3.scheme)) { return null; } else if (scheme !== url_3.scheme) { return null; } if (scheme !== 'file' && host !== '*') { if (wc) { up = url_3.host.indexOf(sd); if (up < 0 || up + sd.length !== url_3.host.length) { return null; } } else if (host !== url_3.host) { return null; } } path = new RegExp(_.T('^{0}$')(path.replace(/[*.\[\]?+#]/g, function (c) { if (c === '*') { return '.*'; } return '\\' + c; }))); if (!path.test(url_3.path)) { return null; } return url_3; } function dispatchByFunction (rule, url_1, url_3, url_6) { return rule(url_1, url_3, url_6); } function dispatch (byLocation, rule, url_1, url_3, url_6) { if (rule instanceof Array) { return dispatchByArray(byLocation, rule, url_1, url_3, url_6); } if (!byLocation) { if (typeof rule !== 'function') { return null; } return dispatchByFunction(rule, url_1, url_3, url_6); 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